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Building Resilience in African American Families Program

Boy's Africentric Youth & Families Rites of Passage

Affirmation: Strong, Committed, Real!

Message Center

Contact List:

Baba J: 619.249.2779

Baba X: 760.5748653

Baba James: 760.899.1821

Mama Sandra 760.275.1634

Opportunity #1 - Unity Circle

KIng Check In & Unity Circle: Tues, Wed, Thurs, 3:00 PM

Traditions are important. Our Unity Circle is where we check in with each other, pour libations in honor of our ancestors, and identify our highs and lows for the day. In our closing circle, we recite our principles, King's creed and express our gratefulness. Frequently the King's express gratefulness for their family, sisters, mama's, and guest. We want to continue our traditions by logging in at 3:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Click on your image, and let's do a virtual unity circle by answering questions and submitting your answers.


Ten Virtues

1. I will control my thoughts.
2. I will control my actions.
3. I will have devotion of purpose.
4. I will have faith in the ability of the master to teach the truth.
5. I will have faith in my ability to assimilate the truth.
6. I will have faith in my ability to weld the truth.
7. I will be free from resentment under the experience of persecution.
8. I will be free from resentment under the experience of wrong doing.
9. I will cultivate the ability to distinguish right from wrong.
10. I will cultivate the ability to tell the real from the unreal.

click on your image


Opportunity #2- Ancestor for the Week

Ancestor for the Week

Martin Luther King, Jr.


This week we want to encourage our kings to learn all about the ancestor of the week. Please take some time to research our extraordinary ancestor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. , then click on the assignment button and answer these questions:


  1. What college did Martin Luther King, Jr. attend?

  2. What was the movement that caused MLK to go to Alabama?

  3. How many children did MLK have?

  4. What grades did MLK skip past in school?

Click on the Assignment Button to complete the Assignment

Opportunity #3 - Daily Chores

This assignment requires you to complete one of the daily chores as if you were actually in the program.  Please select a daily chore/responsibility to complete.  Complete the chore/responsibility then complete the appropriate report below.



Pick one or two chores daily. You must complete the chore as needed.  For instance, if you have dishes to do, you must make sure dishes are washed, dried, put away (dishes include plates, cups, silverware and pots and pans. Counters should be wiped down, food put away and floors swept and mopped just as we expect at the BRANCH House on program days.



Find a recipe that you can plan and prepare for you and your family, (it may be a main dish, side dish, or dessert). If needed choose one that you can utilize items on hand unless you are able to shop.  We are encouraging you to include family members in your preparation time, asking them to assist in cutting, measuring, and preparing.  Lastly, enjoy the meal together. Use your table setting skills as well as family style eating and managing appropriate etiquette and conversation.

Quality Assurance


This job will be used for self-check and rate yourself on the quality of your own performance in all areas. How well are you doing without being watched and guided daily? What are areas you feel you can still improve in? What areas are you highly successful ? Is someone having to step in and assist you? Are you being assisted? How is it without assistance from your sisters.



We all get a little behind sometimes and while we have time to get ahead, we ask that you plan some study time. You all have access to your assignments. Spend time practicing math problems, read at least 20 minutes a day and write about what you read. Journal daily about your feelings, emotions, or whatever comes to mind.

Opportunity #4 - Iron Sharpens Iron Affirmation

We would like for you to take a moment to affirm your brother. Below you will find a list of affirmations, please select the one you want to share with the brother you are paired with and type his name followed by the affirmation you have selected.

Example:  Mama Mitchica, you are very smart and I believe in you.



  • Thank you for being a brother, I need you.

  • You are valuable, and worthy.

  • I am depending on you.

  • I believe in you brother.

  • I am proud to call you my brother.

  • Together we can make it.

  • Never give up and believe in yourself.

  • You really do matter.

  • You have grate Imani.

  • You are strong


Click here to affirm your brother

Opportunity #5 - Weekly Assignment

Ancestor Research/ Conversation

1.What ancestor would you want to have a conversation with if given the opportunity?


2. What would you ask them?


3.What contributions did they share and what can you share about them from your research?

Click on the Assignment Button to complete the Assignment

Contact Us

Family Health & Support Network, Inc. Corporate

588 W. Rosa Parks Rd.

Palm Springs, Ca 92262

760/340.2442  Office

760/773.6475  Fax



Prevention & Early Intervention

588 W. Rosa Parks Rd.

Palm Springs, Ca 92262




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